US Customs only apply import tariffs to items over $800.
As a Revo-Rack is less than $800 and is a personal import you will be not be charged a tariff by US Customs.
US Customs & Border protection state :
"Any articles imported under this section for personal use with a value of under $800 can be imported duty free "
USA state
"Goods valued under $800 are generally exempt from U.S. import duties, which is helpful for personal or small business imports"
CNN 10.2.25
"pausing taxes on any goods worth $800 or less imported into the US until the Commerce Department can develop a system for imposing those hard-to-track items"
Please see links :
We have been shipping to the USA since 2009 and Revo-Racks since 2016. America is an important market for us as a small family business and we value our American customers.
No customers where charged any tariffs in 2018 during Trumps first term when also introduced tariffs on Aluminium and Steel product's.
In the extremely unlikely event you are charged a tariff please email us and we will arrange to reimburse you.
Antony Dixon
CEO The boot-bag group